KINGSTON, Ontario, Feb. 23 /PRNewswire/ -- Poets, customarily, are writers from artistic or what are considered "traditionally creative" backgrounds and occupations. In his new book "Surface Tension" (published by iUniverse), author, professor and psychologist David Murray breaks not only the traditional mold of a poet but also the traditional mold for presenting poetry.
In the introduction to "Surface Tension," Dr. Murray discusses his reasoning behind the title of the book. In an ingenious twist of meaning, Murray has taken a term from physics and applied it to the human psyche and condition. He explains that in reference to people, the metaphor "Surface Tension" applies to those psychological conflicts that many people have but never let on to those around them. His poem "Downer #4" is a perfect illustration of this.
"Downer #4" HE: Too often I smile and see your madcap smile Peep from the normal dullness of your eyes Till a deep bright flash springs circumstance On the moment of our meeting. SHE: Ah yes, but I can recognize That in your quiet reaction, You denigrate my moral force To drive you to distraction. HE: Yet I often place upon your open laugh Too often humour at superiorness; The suppleness of your adjustments Is often source for mockery of men. SHE: And I like men who know their minds, Even if criminal or lazy; At least they're honest, while you seek Perfection till you're driven crazy.
Author David Murray is an Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario. Born in Manchester, England, Dr. Murray attended Cambridge University where he earned a Ph.D. in experimental psychology. In 1964 he accepted a post-doctoral position at Queen's University. With the exception of visiting professorships at the University of Michigan and University of Bielefeld in West Germany, Dr. Murray spent his entire career at Queen's, eventually retiring in 1995. He has two children and three grandchildren. Though Dr. Murray has published multiple academic works, this is his second collection of poetry. His first is entitled "Confusion Matrix and Other Poems" and is also available through iUniverse.
iUniverse is the premier book publisher for emerging, self-published authors. For more information, please visit
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